The hearing

If a hearing is held during proceedings, then the tenant and the landlord both receive an invitation. Below you can read how a hearing takes place exactly.

Before the hearing

You received an invitation for a hearing before the Rent Tribunal. You also received the survey report about your case. Do you have comments about this report or do you still have information that you think is important to the handling of your case? Then send these documents to the Rent Tribunal at the latest, up to one week before the hearing. This can be done by letter or in person. Always mention the case number on all documents.

Please note: You personally need to ensure that the other party is fully informed.

You are not required to attend the hearing. The Rent Tribunal does however recommend this, because you can explain your case in person. If you cannot yourself, then you can authorize someone else. How you do this is mentioned in the invitation letter. The authorized person should bring along a written authorization letter signed by you.

To ensure that the hearing proceeds well, it is important that you report to the reception on time. Always bring along a valid identity document. Are you an authorized representative, then report for whom you are attending.

During the hearing

During the hearing the Rent Tribunal discusses the application and the report of the preparatory survey. The Rent Tribunal read all the documents in advance. During the hearing you can react to the report and to what the other party says. The secretary prepares a report (official report) of everything that is discussed during the hearing. The President leads the hearing and the Tribunal can ask questions about the case. For instance if you agree with the survey report, or if a maintenance defect has been remedied.

After the hearing

After the hearing the Rent Tribunal reaches a decision in the case. This takes place without the landlord and the tenant. You receive the ruling by post. The ruling of the Rent Tribunal has binding effect. This means that both parties must comply with it.