The Rent Tribunal Statia is an impartial organisation for the prevention, resolution and formal settlement of disputes between tenants and landlords. By providing proper information, the Rent Tribunal focuses on the prevention of disputes. If a tenant and a landlord cannot reach a mutual agreement, the Rent Tribunal offers assistance with unbiased information. If this is not successful, by assessing the rent disputes on the basis of legislation and regulations, the Rent Tribunal can issue a ruling with binding effect on the parties. The Rent Tribunal rules on:
- Rent
- Rent increase
- Rent reduction
- Service charges
- Termination of the tenancy agreement
- Determination of the rent
The Executive Council incorporates a Rent Tribunal in every Public Entity (Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius), which is authorised for the relevant Public Entity. The Rent Tribunals consists of a President and two members. They are appointed by the Executive Council of every Public Entity for a term of four years.